SOS Children's Villages Canada

SOS Children's Villages Canada

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Last update: Dec 6, 2024 Last update: Dec 6, 2024
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A member of the world's largest charity for orphaned and abandoned children; SOS Children's Villages Canada is a registered charity in Canada. (Charity Registration Number 13824 7259 RR0001)

We are:


We are a proud member SOS Children's Villages International operating in more than 130 countries which has an established track record of 60 years of caring for the world's most vulnerable children.

We are recipients of the 2002 Hilton Humanitarian Prize , and have been nominated 14 times for the Nobel Peace Prize.

SOS Children's Villages British Columbia operates a village in Surrey, a suburb of Vancouver. We mutually assist each other in fundraising and governance.

_________Mission Statement_________

SOS Children's Villages provides children in need with a caring, loving, and secure family environment where basic needs for food, health, shelter, and education are met.

SOS Children's Villages creates opportunities for children to become responsible, contributing members of society by providing Villages and community support where stable, nurturing homes exist to meet family, social, emotional, physical, and spiritual needs of children.

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