The National Institute of Statistics, abbreviated as INE, is a legal person governed by public law, with legal personality, technical, administrative and financial autonomy.
The supervision of INE is exercised by the Council of Ministers. The Council of Ministers delegates to a member of the Government the tutelage of INE.
INE is assigned the following attributions:
Notation, clearance, coordination and dissemination of statistical data to be provided by the Government under its annual business plan approved by the Minister responsible, taking into account the general lines of national statistical activity and the respective priorities defined by the High Statistical Council , CSE pursuant to Article 18 (a) of Law No. 7/96 of 5 June, and CSE opinion on that plan pursuant to Article 18 (b);
Carry out statistical operations enabling the specific needs of public and private statistical users to be met, in economically viable terms, whose satisfaction is particularly requested and covered by them.
To carry out its duties, it is incumbent upon INE, namely:
Carry out surveys, censuses and other statistical operations;
Create, manage and centralize the files deemed necessary;
Access, for statistical purposes only, the individualized information relating to companies, public and private, cooperatives, credit institutions and other economic agents;
Carry out studies of pure and applied statistics, as well as carry out economic and social analyzes, based on available data;
Promote the training of staff of the national statistical system together with appropriate educational institutions;
Cooperate with foreign and international organizations.
The Presidency is an advisory body to the President for INE's strategic and day-to-day management. The presidency consists of the President of INE, hereinafter also referred to as the President, who directs it, and two vice-presidents, appointed by the President of the Republic.
President of INE
The President of INE is responsible for:
Define the general management orientation and direct the activity of INE, with a view to the accomplishment of its attributions;
Ensure INE's relations with the Minister in charge;
To direct the activity of INE's external relations;
Represent INE, except when the law requires another form of representation;
To submit to the opinion of the High Statistical Council, abbreviated as CSE, and to the approval of the Minister responsible, the plan and annual report of INE's activities;
Convene, chair and direct the meetings of the Advisory Board and the Technical Methodological Coordination Board;
Superintendent in the management of INE's human, financial, patrimonial and general support services;
Appointing, dismissing and dismissing Heads of Central Services and provincial delegations and those responsible for other forms of representation of INE;
Perform any other duties assigned to him by law and by the Minister responsible.